I added an option to the section, to move the skin in the upper left corner of the screen when the skin is refreshed ( OnRefreshaction=).Being aligned so, I placed it to the center of the screen (using the X=(#SCREENAREAWIDTH#/2) and Y=(#SCREENAREAHEIGHT#/2) options). This shows the hour and the minutes and I aligned it to center, both horizontally and vertically, with its StringAlign ( StringAlign=CenterCenter) option. I removed all four existing String meters (,, and ), and added a new one ().I removed the not needed measure and rewrote the, to return, beside the hour, the minutes, too.ImageName=#SKINSPATH#Elegance2\Config\Images\colors.png License=Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Instructions=This clock can be set to either 12-hours or 24-hours, | use the Confinguration tool for this and more options. OnRefreshaction=[!Move '0' 2 - Clock (horizontal)